Amidst the summer blockbuster season, with fare like the
final Harry Potter movie which opened today, setting a record in midnight opening ticket sales, and other
top box office hits, the FEI Financial Reporting Blog has announced the upcoming release of its second 'music video' about accounting.
Slated for release the last week in July, the FEI blog's 2011 music video features a star turn by
Steven Zelin, "The Singing CPA." The audio was recorded under the outstanding direction of Rob Taube of
Rob Taube Words and Music, and the video is being shot by the talented videographer,
Glenora ("Glennie") Blackshire.

Similar to the FEI blog's 2010 music video, this year's production will feature a parody of a well-known song, with a slight 'twist' about financial accounting and regulatory reporting. New this year: the music video will feature live footage of the performance, and other surprises.
Watch last year's video, and watch for the release later this month of the FEI blog's 2011 music video on the
FEI Blog's youtube channel, and watch for updates in the
FEI Blog.
Included in this post are some ph

otos taken at the audio

recording session.
Photos credit: Merrill Reich
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